The Importance of Real Shark Skulls and Skeletons for Education Welcome to Elasmo-Morph, your premier destination for authentic shark skulls and skeletons. As the ownerRead More
Our Blog

Special Guest on The Real Wunderkammer Podcast
Recently I featured as a special guest on The Real Wunderkammer Podcast where I discussed my 30+ years of experience studying and preparing shark specimens.Read More

New Addition of Shark Heads for Skull Mounts
I am currently cataloguing the 50 or so heads I received the other day, including large Lemon, Pigeye, Hammerhead, Tiger and Blacktip sharks. All willRead More

Tooth measures 51.12mm x 37.47mm. Price excludes packaging and postage and if sold overseas, CITES permits. AUD$1180

Department of Primary Industry Fisheries s37 permit
I am pleased to announce that after close to 12 months, I have received what I believe to be, the only permit given out byRead More

Huge 1980’s White shark jaw, restored and mounted for display
A 1980 White shark jaw, which was bought from a seller from Madagascar, was acquired close to 2 years ago, was cleaned and restored onRead More

White Shark Jaw Reproduction Project
About 2 years ago I was fortunate enough to be able to buy a large White shark jaw that came from an old collection (earlyRead More

Mako shark skull with a twist
A couple of days ago I received a Mako shark head from a client who wanted it to be cleaned up into a skull mount.Read More

Shovelnose shark skeleton
I received this beautiful Eastern Shovelnose shark last year, and after spending a period of time in the freezer, I decided to skeletonise it, andRead More

Great Hammerhead Skull Preparation
The preparation of this Great Hammerhead skull, done as a half and half, is a very complicated and painstaking task to carry out. The processRead More